Our Vision
A few years ago we gathered the whole congregation together to try and put down on paper what we care about, what we are for, our purpose, our calling. This vision statement is the result of that process.
To worship God
We encourage people to see the worship of God as a natural part of everyday life, in all that we do, in each encounter with another person and in the way that we interact with His creation. As a community of people we are excited to meet together to worship God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We acknowledge that the expression of worship may be different for everyone and we celebrate both that individuality and the joy of standing before God together.
To bring people to know Jesus
We want to be a church of people who are confident to share our stories of what it means to us to know Jesus as our Saviour and to introduce others to Him. We want to be bridges to Jesus for the people amongst whom God places us, travelling patiently with people on their own journeys to faith in Christ.
To be a Christian family
We aim to be a church where people from all walks of life belong and where each feels welcomed, loved and respected. We want to be a place where we can laugh alongside, cry alongside, encourage and disciple one another, showing each other the love shown to us by God.
To help people grow in their Christian faith
The journey of faith is a dynamic one as our relationship with God develops and strengthens. We recognise that every journey through faith is individual and we want to be a community where together we all continue to find nourishment for our faith, through the Bible, by the Holy Spirit’s guidance and encouraging one another as, step by step, we become the people whom Jesus calls us to be.
To serve the community
We aim to be a community of people who share the sacrificial heart of Christ for His world. We want to see the needs of our local and wider community through His eyes and be a people who, together and as individuals, desire to work to meet these needs as God leads us, bringing Jesus into the heart of our community by our actions.
Children and Young People
We want to be a church where children and young people are safe and know that they are loved, welcomed and valued as part of our community. We recognise the importance of inter-generational connections where we learn from each other and we believe we have a part to play in helping the children and young people in our town to flourish. We want CCC to be a place where they can make friends, have fun and ask big questions. We pray that they will know, experience and respond to the love of God for themselves and grow in their faith.
Significant Partnerships
We love working with other people, we love partnership, we particularly love learning from those who share our values and passions - and from those who have new things to teach and show us too. We are part of the global Church of Christ, called together as brothers and sisters of Christ, no matter our background or geography. We are also part of a local community in this corner of Mid-Devon.
One way we express our connectedness with the global Church is by being
members of the Congregational Federation. The Congregational Federation isnetwork of similarly minded and structured churches who support each other and learnfrom each other. The Federation joins with other similar groups throughout the world to learn from and support each other. The Congregation Federation Ltd helps us with the practicalities of church buildings and procedures.
One way we express our place in the local community is through our involvement with Christians Together in Crediton (CTIC). This ecumenical grouping allows the church in this place to work together for the blessing of our community of Crediton