Online Sundays
So, we can't meet together right now. Well, not in person and not in the CCC building. But CCC isn't really a building - it's a community of people. And Sundays aren't just about meeting together in person (although that's fun) - they're about gathering as that community to encourage each other, to help each other to grow, and most importantly, to worship God.
Right now, the best way that we can think of to do that is through an online service. This is a new thing for almost all of us, and hopefully we can answer a few of your questions here:
WHAT's an online service?
It's just like a regular service, except everyone stays home and connects through Zoom. There's still sung worship, bible readings, prayers and teaching. We don't have separate programmes for children and young people during the online service (because you might only have one laptop to connect with), but there are still separate activities happening for them across the morning.
When is the service?
Our online service happens on Sunday morning from 9:30am. It's a bit early, but that's because we record the audio element of the service and make it available elsewhere on the website from 11am, for anyone who is unable to join us live.
how do i join in?
Zoom meetings require a link. We send this out every week in our church email, so if you'd like to join us on a Sunday, please email us and let us know that you'd like to join the mailing list. There's a button just down there, under the next question.
YOU mentioned children and young people...
We did. There's a children's group (Fusion) at 10:30, and a youth group (Core) at 12pm. When you email us, mention that you'd like links to one or both groups, and we'll add you to the right mailings lists for them too.
These aren't the questions you were asking?
Or you want to respond to these answers ...